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Spacáky a spací pytle | PRIMA OUTDOOR, s.r.o.

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Company store

We invite our customers to our company store where we have complete supply of PRIMA sleeping bags. You can comfortably browse and try our wide range of goods and our expert personnel will help you to choose the best product for you.

You can find us at Sportovní street nr. 348/3 in Brno, Czech Republic.

Opening time:

monday 10 - 14
tuesday closed
wednesday 10 - 14
thursday 13 - 14
friday 8:30 - 13


Sportovní 348/3
602 00 Brno
Czech republic
Company Identification Number: 25580345
Tax Identification Number: CZ25580345
E-mail: prima@prima-outdoor.cz

Where to find us: